The beer ontology developed for the Beer-Advisor project can be related to a few other ontologies concerning beverages. For instance, we can list the following ontologies that are related to beer or to beverages in general:
- Wine Ontology: this ontology is designed in order to correctly categorize different wines, allowing recommendations of wines to accompany certain dishes. The ontology can be downloaded here.
- BEVON: the Beverage Ontology is designed to be able to structure information from different types of beverages. The ontology contains a set of different types of beers, such as Irish Red and Pilsner, and different characteristics for beer, such as color and alcohol content.
- Beer-Ontology: this beer ontology contains many different beer subclasses, allowing different beers to be classified. However, it does not contain any attributes other than ingredients, limiting its application to a Beer-Advisor application.
- Beer Ontology OWL Lite: this second beer ontology contains a better beer classification than the previous listed ontology. It also contains interesting attributes that are related to beer such as characteristics (alcohol content and sweetness). In addition, the ontology also allows beers to be linked to the its breweries.
In addition to these subject-related ontologies, it is of paramount importance to recognize and list the ontologies that were used when creating the beer ontology presented here. The following list describes the ontologies that are imported in our work:
- W3 Ontologies: a set of ontologies from the W3 consortium was used as the backbone of this ontology. Many of the basic capabilities of the beer advisor ontology were created using, for instance, OWL, RDFS and SKOS.
- FIBO Ontologies: many ontologies from the FIBO set are imported in our main project. They allow entities such as beers and breweries to be created and allow these two classes to be conected using already existing properties such as
- OMG Ontologies: three ontologies from the Object Management Group were used in this ontology. The LCC-Countries ontology, for example, is responsible for letting us attribute locations to breweries, bars and brewpubs, while the SM ontology allows us to specify metadata in our beer ontology.
- Dublin Core Ontology: this ontology enables documentation and annotation to be provided within the rdf file and it was used mainly in our ontology header, providing adequate information for future users and possible contributors.
Many references were used in different parts of this project such as the writing of the use case or the creation of a terminology list. All are listed below.
- T. Burnham, J. Herz, J. Holl, C. Jones, M. Storey, L. Trautwein, A. Sparhawk, G. Puza, N. Zander, “Beer Styles Study Guide”, 2020. [Online]. Available: [Accessed Sept. 23, 2020].
- K. Swartz, “Beer Best-Sellers: Recognizing the industry’s leading brands of brews,” Cheers, vol.30, no.5, Oct./Nov., pp.26-30, 2019.
- J. M. Bernstein, The Complete Beer Course: Boot Camp for Beer Geeks: From Novice to Expert in Twelve Tasting Classes, Sterling Epicure; Illustrated Edition, 2013.
- “Brewery” Merriam-Webster, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.merriam- [Accessed Sept. 27, 2020].
- Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaries, “characteristic_1 noun - Definition, pictures,
pronounciation and usage notes” [Online]. Available: q=characteristic
- Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaries, “name_1 noun - Definition, pictures, pronounciation and usage notes” [Online]. Available:
Wikipedia, “Alcohol (drug)” [Online]. Available: Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaries, “address_1 noun - Definition, pictures, pronounciation and usage notes” [Online]. Available:
- Wikipedia, “Gravity (alcoholic beverage)” [Online]. Available:
Wikipedia, “Beer style” [Online]. Available: Wikipedia, “Beer measurement” [Online]. Available:
- Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaries, “ingredient noun - Definition, pictures, pronounciation and usage notes” [Online]. Available:
- Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaries, “grain noun - Definition, pictures, pronounciation and usage notes” [Online]. Available:
- Wikipedia, “Barley” [Online]. Available: [Accessed 23- Sep-2020]
- Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaries, “malt noun - Definition, pictures, pronounciation and usage notes” [Online]. Available: [Accessed 23-Sep-2020]
- Wikipedia, “Maize” [Online]. Available: [Accessed 23- Sep-2020]
- Wikipedia, “Rice” [Online]. Available: [Accessed 23-Sep- 2020]
- Wikipedia, “Rye” [Online]. Available: [Accessed 23-Sep- 2020]
- Wikipedia, “Wheat” [Online]. Available: [Accessed 23- Sep-2020]
- Wikipedia, “Yeast” [Online]. Available: [Accessed 23- Sep-2020]
- Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaries, “color_1 noun - Definition, pictures, pronounciation and usage notes” [Online]. Available:
- Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaries, “user noun - Definition, pictures, pronounciation and usage notes” [Online]. Available:
- Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaries, “search_1 noun - Definition, pictures, pronounciation and usage notes” [Online]. Available: