- Please refer to our website for more information about the queries. - QUESTION 02: What is a brewery in Pennsylvania that makes IPAs under 8% ? - This query is supposed to return Helltown Brewery as answer. PREFIX rdf: PREFIX owl: PREFIX loc: PREFIX adr: PREFIX us: PREFIX rel: PREFIX fbo: PREFIX lp: PREFIX qtu: PREFIX beer: SELECT DISTINCT ?brewery WHERE { ?brewery rdf:type beer:Brewery . ?brewery rel:hasIdentity ?id . ?id rdf:type lp:BusinessEntity . ?id fbo:hasHeadquartersAddress ?address . ?address rdf:type adr:PhysicalAddress . ?address loc:hasSubdivision us:Pennsylvania . ?beertypes rdfs:subClassOf beer:IndiaPaleAle . { ?beer rdf:type ?beertypes . } UNION { ?beer rdf:type beer:IndiaPaleAle . } ?beer rel:isProducedBy ?brewery . ?beer beer:hasAlcoholByVolume ?alcohol . ?alcohol rdf:type beer:AlcoholContent . ?alcohol qtu:hasNumericValue ?abv . FILTER (?abv < 8) } - QUESTION 03: What is an IPA that is 5% ABV or below? - This query is supposed to return no answer because 5% is not within the nominal alcohol content for IPAs. PREFIX rdf: PREFIX owl: PREFIX loc: PREFIX adr: PREFIX us: PREFIX rel: PREFIX fbo: PREFIX lp: PREFIX qtu: PREFIX beer: SELECT DISTINCT ?beer WHERE { ?beertypes rdfs:subClassOf* beer:IndiaPaleAle . { ?beer rdf:type ?beertypes . } UNION { ?beer rdf:type beer:IndiaPaleAle . } ?beer beer:hasAlcoholByVolume ?alcohol . ?alcohol rdf:type beer:AlcoholContent . ?alcohol qtu:hasNumericValue ?abv . FILTER (?abv <= 5) } - If the inital query has no results our application will call the following query to find beers that are similar too the original request. SELECT ?beertypes ?beer WHERE { beer:IndiaPaleAle beer:similarTo ?beertypes . ?beer rdf:type ?beertypes . ?beer beer:hasAlcoholByVolume ?alcohol . ?alcohol rdf:type beer:AlcoholContent . ?alcohol qtu:hasNumericValue ?abv . FILTER (?abv <= 5) } - QUESTION 04: I really like New Belgium’s IPA’s, what other beers have people searched for from New Belgium? - This query is supposed to return beer such as Fat Tire Amber Ale, Fat Tire Belgian White, Glutiny Pale Ale and Voodoo Ranger American Haze. PREFIX rdf: PREFIX owl: PREFIX loc: PREFIX adr: PREFIX us: PREFIX rel: PREFIX fbo: PREFIX lp: PREFIX qtu: PREFIX beer: SELECT DISTINCT ?beer WHERE { ?searchhistories rdf:type beer:SearchHistory . ?searchhistories rel:comprises ?beer . ?beer rel:isProducedBy ?brewery . ?brewery rdfs:label ?brewlabel . FILTER (?brewlabel = 'New Belgium Brewing'@en) }